Let's get rid of some flies!

Now that you’re ready to start your biological fly control program we want to make sure it’s a complete success. So, we need to know a little about you. Like how many horses do have or board, so we know how many fly parasites you’ll need, and what part of the country you’re located in, so we know when to start and end your fly control season.

1. Please select your “Fly Zone”

Zone A Zone B Zone C Zone A Zone B Zone C

2. How many horses do you own?

Holy cow! That's a lot of horses.
Please give us a call at 877-499-9190 to develop a plan for your facility.
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3. Ship every 2 or 4 weeks?

The Organic Cowboy recommends “Every 2 Weeks” shipping for maximum efficacy of your program, but if you would like to save on shipping, “Every 4 Weeks” shipping will show good results as well.


4. Please Select a Shipping Method

5. Your Seasonal Program:

Total number of shipments:
Cost per shipment:
Total Number of Fly Parasites per Shipment:

Ship Dates:  

Total Fly Parasite Cost:
Shipping Method: 
Total Shipping Cost:
Total Program Cost:



To call in an order

Just give us a ring toll-free 877.499.9190